My youngest girls are in their teens now and I can not quite believe how quickly the time and their childhoods have vanished.
When I look back, having four children, with the youngest two being only fifteen months apart and trying to run my own business from home was a real challenge. I often wonder however did I cope.
Being so busy I spent most of my time rushing about doing what needed to be done on a day to day basis. They were busy happy and stressful years and probably my only regret is that I did not take more time to have fun.
There is one occasion which really sticks in my mind. This is probably because I was so wracked with guilt over what I thought I should be doing and not what was personally important for me, to do on that day.
It was when the girls were about two and three years old. It had snowed, not something which happened all that often in Maidenhead. I remember looking out of the window, the sky was blue, the sun shining and the snow lay like a thick white blanket across the garden.
I surveyed the kitchen- it was like a bomb had hit it! Cereal bowls with bits of solidifying cereal lay strewn across the kitchen table. The bedrooms looked like a rubbish dump and I was half way through a report for work. I knew that I ought to at least clear up the breakfast things .. But I also realised that the snow might just melt.
Feeling a tad guilty, like a child playing truant, I abandoned the chores and left the house in its state of chaos half an hour later.
With the two girls seated on the sledge we trudged excitedly off into the woods beyond our house and spent a happy hour sledging. By lunchtime the snow had all gone.
I was so pleased that I had done what was personally important to me that day. Not only did the three of us have a lot of fun but I still hold the memory of the day I took my little girls sledging!